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Thom Hartmann is one of the smartest, wisest people I know, a true renaissance person. He’s the author of a new book, The Hidden History of American Healthcare
There's a very exciting progressive coalition building zoom meeting happening, The National Justice Roundtable. Joel Segal has been on the forefront of the forefront on climate change, health care and civil rights.
Chuck Collins is the director of the Program on Inequality at the Institute for Policy Studies, and author of the new book, The Wealth Hoarders; How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Billions, released the following statement: “Taxes have become almost optional for the super-rich. President Biden’s plan is a welcome first step in reversing wealth hidding and tax avoidance by billionaires and multi-millionaires.
Charles Eisenstein is an author and speaker, known for his books The Ascent of Humanity, Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible and Climate—A New Story Website: charleseisenstein.org He offers a message and vision that we need a new story or stories.
Vincent James has created a special day of the year and a week of the year—for music for kids. That got me thinking of how late congressman John Conyers created Martin Luther King day as a national holiday— an endeavor which took him years to accomplish. I explored with Vincent steps he’s taken to create such a day. Since I believe there are probably many other people who want to make special days for special reasons
This interview will explore the Native American wisdom of Sitting Bull, based on the book, Sitting Bull’s Words, for a world in Crisis, by Wahinkpe Topa, AKA Four Arrows, AKA Don Trent Jacobs Ph.D., Ed.D.,
Ed Frauenheim is Co-author of the book, Reinventing Masculinity; The liberating Power of Compassion and Connection. He discusses the differences between Confined masculinity and liberating masculinity ideas essential to making a better future
IN this second segment we talk about the Hero's Journey, about dimensions of archetypes, about how archetypes apply to politics, to authoritarianism, conservatism, narcissism and making change happen.
The stories you tell yourself define your life and how you see and relate to the world. What stories are YOU living?
Cindy Watson, Attorney social justice attorney for 30 years She’s on a mission to reframe ‘negotiation’: how we think of it and how we do it – moving away from the traditional competitive model to recognize the power of persuasion through ‘feminine’ traits to help leverage our innate power. She says negotiation is one of the most important skills
Thom Hartmann discusses the hidden history, power, threat and dangers of Oligarchy and how to deal with oligarchy and oligarchs.
Religion, throughout much of the world, is fading. That’s what author Ronald Inglehart’s book, Religion’s Sudden Decline: What’s Causing it and What Comes Next, tells us. Professor Inglehart has based his conclusions on a massive study—The World Values Survey, which tracks responses to people in 100 societies representing 90% of the world’s population. It’s a study that they’ve been doing the past forty years.
Paul Hetznecker is a radical defense attorney who has defended hundreds of progressive protesters. I asked him how the right wing, white supremacists who invaded the Capitol would be treated in terms of legal defense.. He discussed the difference in the way police behave, as compared to dealing with progressives or BLM, and speculated on who will go to jail and who won't based on the charges that will be leveled against them
I interview Watermelon Slime (watermelonslim.com) and he plays two songs: Corona Funk and Immortal. He's a bluesman Dobro slide guitar and harmonica player and singer, an activist, anti-war protester and writer for OpEdNews
Shelly Golden is a Zoom makeover expert, certified color consultant, and certified color consultant. She talks about: Professional Screen presence Increasing engagement and rapport Improving camera angle, lighting and background Lighting tips. Colors to avoid, colors that work Zoom specific make-up improve your personal brand Biggest zoom mistakes, problems
Justin Pogue is a former property manager and a real estate investor. He offers tips for people who are facing the end of the eviction moratorium and people who are renting who might be able to negotiate better deals given that millions of people are being evicted or leaving their apartments or rental homes.
Gary Rosenthal is the author of the book, Re-Visioning Narcissism: Healing Heresies for Polarized Times. In this interview we focus on Why it's timely and necessary now to re-vision it. We start with the history of narcissism.
Suppression of alternative medicine has a long history. We discuss that history, how it has been done and how it is being done down during the time of of Covid-19/Corona Virus.
Thom Hartmann, Greg Palast and Jonathan Simon predicted that Trump and the Republicans would try to steal the presidency. We discuss how and provide an update on their efforts and how what they've done applies to the Georgia Run-offs, how a red shift indicates that the elections were rigged against the Democrats down-ticket and how what's been done by Trump will affect the 2024 presidential election.
This is a short under 15 minute must listen interview Greg Palast deserves a lot of credit for helping Joe Biden to win the election. He discusses what worked, what didn't, how Trump Can still steal the election and what needs to be done to insure fair January Georgia Senate runoff elections. |